Daily Productive Sharing 1081 - Preparation

Daily Productive Sharing 1081 - Preparation
Photo by Mike Cox / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

The preparation process is divided into several stages. Why do many people give up during the preparation phase? Seth Godin reveals the reasoning behind this:

  1. The preparation process has three stages: beginner, intermediate, and expert. The beginner stage involves significant progress through gradual effort; in the intermediate stage, progress becomes less noticeable despite hard work; and in the expert stage, while significant effort yields only small improvements, these can help individuals stand out in competition.
  2. The intermediate stage is the hardest because you may work for a long time with little to show for it;
  3. The intermediate stage is often unavoidable because everyone wants to jump straight to the expert level, but in most cases, this is impossible.

In fact, my current work is right in the middle of the intermediate stage, and I could use this boost of encouragement:

  1. At the beginning of the year, I set a goal to launch a new product into a brand-new market, starting everything from scratch;
  2. After more than half a year of preparation, I've finally completed all the initial groundwork, and we're about to start selling in the new market;
  3. Of course, how to scale sales is still unknown, which clearly puts us in the beginner stage Seth mentioned. But I believe that since we managed to launch a product in a new market last year, we can definitely do it again this year.

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准备过程分为几个阶段?为什么很多人在准备阶段就放弃了?Seth Godin 揭示了其中道理:

  1. 准备过程分为三个阶段:初学者阶段、初级阶段和专家阶段。初学者阶段是通过渐进努力取得显著进展;初级阶段则是努力带来的进步不再明显;而在专家阶段,尽管付出大量努力,只能获得微小的提升,却能帮助人们在竞争中脱颖而出。
  2. 最难的是中间的初级阶段,因为你可能努力了很久,但是收效甚微;
  3. 但初级阶段往往是不可避免的,因为谁都希望直接跳到最后的专家阶段,但绝大部分情况下,都无法跃过。


  1. 年初定下的目标就是今年把新产品推向一个全新市场,一切都从零开始;
  2. 准备了大半年之后,总算完成了前期的所有准备工作,马上就要在新市场开始售卖;
  3. 当然怎么卖起来还是个未知数,显然就处于 Seth 说的初学者阶段。但我相信去年能把一个产品在一个新市场卖起来,今年也一定能。

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