Daily Productive Sharing 1084 - Steve Jobs' 10-Minute Rule

Daily Productive Sharing 1084 - Steve Jobs' 10-Minute Rule
Photo by Slava Auchynnikau / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

When Steve Jobs got stuck on a problem for more than 10 minutes, what did he do? He would go for a walk, and new ideas would magically emerge. Jessica Stillman explains why:

  1. Unlike physical labor, simply piling up time doesn’t make mental work more efficient;
  2. In fact, mental work requires enough space to open up your thinking and welcome new ideas;
  3. Walking fits this need perfectly because it requires just enough attention to your surroundings, creating the ideal mental state for new thoughts to emerge;
  4. So next time you're stuck on a problem, take a walk—you might just come up with fresh ideas.

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当乔布斯被一个问题卡住超过10分钟,他会怎么办?他会出去走走,然后就有新的点子产生了,如此神奇?Jessica Stillman 解释了为什么:

  1. 不像体力劳动,单纯地堆砌时间并不能让脑力劳动更高效;
  2. 相反,脑力劳动需要有足够的空间来打开思路,迎接新的想法;
  3. 出去走走正好符合这一需求,因为我们出去走的时候,需要花费一定的注意力在周遭,这恰好就是我们所需要的状态。
  4. 所以当你下次被一个问题卡住的时候,不妨出去走走,说不定就会有新的点子。

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