Daily Productive Sharing 1085 - Making Friends Is Hard

Daily Productive Sharing 1085 - Making Friends Is Hard
Photo by Lukas S / Unsplash

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Is it harder to make new friends as an adult? Absolutely, and this phenomenon affects many of us. Allie Volpe offers some explanations:

  1. Research shows it takes about 200 hours to form a deep relationship, and adults often struggle to find that much time;
  2. Especially after a long workday, there's little energy left for socializing, a situation worsened by the rise of remote work;
  3. Another reason is that after meeting someone new, a voice in our head often says, "They might not be interested in further interaction," which holds us back from developing friendships;
  4. If time allows, joining clubs or volunteering can help, as it provides regular interaction with the same group, increasing the chance of forming deeper relationships.

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成年之后,结交新朋友是不是变得更困难?没错,这一现象不仅发生在你我身上,Allie Volpe 给出了相应的解释:

  1. 研究表明,和一个人建立深厚的关系大约需要200小时,而成年人显然很难找出这么多时间;
  2. 特别是当我们完成一天的工作之后,没有什么精力去社交,这一情况在远程工作盛行的今天更加恶化;
  3. 另外一个原因是当我们认识一个陌生人之后,我们的脑海里总有一个声音:ta 可能对继续交流没什么兴趣。这样的声音阻止了我们进一步发展友谊;
  4. 如果有时间的话,可以尝试参加一些俱乐部或者志愿服务,这样可以有更多的时间和同一群人相处,也就有可能发展出更深远的关系。

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