Daily Productive Sharing 1087 - How to Stay Focused
One helpful tip per day:)
When we're feeling stressed, it can be difficult to stay focused. How can we resolve this issue? Scott Young offers five methods:
- Stress leads to anxiety, and anxiety either causes us to avoid the problem or drains our mental energy;
- When anxious, use a cognitive psychology approach by asking yourself: which of these worries are 100% valid, which are impossible, and which fall somewhere in between?
- You can also use exposure therapy by treating the task as an experiment to see how confident you are in completing it;
- Anxiety is often future-focused, so staying present can help shift attention away from the future—this is another effective option;
- The fourth method is visualizing what success would look like, as these positive signals can counterbalance some of the anxiety;
- Lastly, if a task is very challenging, focus less on the outcome and more on your effort. Simply trying hard is already a form of success.
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当我们感到压力大的时候,很难保持专注。那么我们如何可以化解这一问题呢?Scott Young 给出了五个方法:
- 压力会导致焦虑,而焦虑会导致我们趋于逃避问题,或者耗费我们宝贵的心力;
- 当我们焦虑时,不妨借用认知心理学的方法,问问自己,这些焦虑到底哪些是100%成立的,哪些是不可能成立的,哪些是介于两者之间的?
- 我们也可以借用暴露疗法,把将要完成的任务当作是一个实验,看看自己有多少把握实现;
- 通常的焦虑是基于未来的,而专注当下能帮助我们不再关注未来,所以这也是一个选项;
- 第四种方法是在大脑里设想完成这些任务会是什么样的状况,这些积极的信号也能抵消一部分焦虑;
- 最后,如果一项任务非常挑战,我们就不要太关注结果,而关注自己是否努力,只要努力就已经是一种成功。
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