Daily Productive Sharing 1088 - Facing Unknown

Daily Productive Sharing 1088 - Facing Unknown
Photo by Michiel Annaert / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

How should we deal with the rapidly changing future? Seth Godin identifies four common approaches:

  1. Denial, giving up, trying to control, and improvising are four different methods. The first three are usually ineffective, while improvisation tends to be the most successful;
  2. Improvising in the face of the future means using available resources to adapt to the unknown. Even though things may not unfold as we hope, improvisation generally leads to better outcomes than the other three approaches;
  3. Rather than just being ways to handle the future, these are methods for dealing with the unknown, and improvisation often proves most effective in such situations.

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面对极速变化的未来,我们应该如何面对?Seth Godin 指出有四种常见的应对方式:

  1. 拒绝,放弃,试图控制,随机应变是四种不同的方式。前三种通常是无效的,只有随机应变式有效的;
  2. 对未来随机应变是指,当我们面对未知时,利用手头的资源来应对。尽管事情并不一定按照我们的意愿发展,但随机应变一般会比其他三种应对方式更有可能获得积极的结果;
  3. 与其说这是应对未来的四种方式,不如说时应对未知的四种方式。随机应变往往在应对未知时也最有效。

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