Daily Productive Sharing 1091 - Mindful Decluttering

Daily Productive Sharing 1091 - Mindful Decluttering
Photo by Luke Miller / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

How can we better manage our data? Alex Chan offers her suggestions:

  1. She used to think about saving as much data as possible without considering how to reuse it later;
  2. Now, when she wants to save new data, she carefully considers why she’s saving it and how she might reuse it in the future;
  3. At the same time, she’s reorganizing previously saved data, cleaning up what’s unnecessary and organizing what’s useful. This process also helps her reflect on herself;
  4. This aligns with her larger goal of using technology more mindfully.

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如果更好地管理自己的数据?Alex Chan 给出了她的建议:

  1. 她曾经想着尽可能保存所有的数据,而没有想过如何重新利用这些保存下来的数据;
  2. 如今当她想要保存新的数据,她会仔细考虑为什么要保存这些,保存下来之后如何重新利用它们?
  3. 同时,她也重新整理之前保存下来的数据,该清理的清理,该整理的整理。这一过程也进一步帮助她审视自己;
  4. 这也契合她更大的目标,即如何更加清醒地使用科技。

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