Daily Productive Sharing 1092 - Act Your Age

Daily Productive Sharing 1092 - Act Your Age
Photo by Karsten Winegeart / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

At different ages, what should we focus on? Fernando Gros offers his perspective:

  1. Teens: Keep an open mind, try different experiences, ideas, and choices;
  2. Twenties: Take advantage of this phase to seize control of your destiny;
  3. Thirties: Work hard and make sacrifices to lay a strong foundation for the future;
  4. Forties: Seek balance in your career, leveraging wisdom and humility;
  5. Fifties: Embrace aging with grace, pursue work you love, and enjoy the peak of your creativity;
  6. Sixties and beyond: Live actively, engage with family and society, and share your stories and wisdom;
  7. Most importantly, these are just societal frameworks—you don't need to follow them strictly. Find your own rhythm and explore life in your own way.

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在不同的年纪,我们应该做什么?Fernando Gros 给出了他的答案:

  1. 十几岁:保持开放的视野,尝试不同的体验,选择和点子;
  2. 二十几岁:利用这一阶段的机会,掌握自己的命运;
  3. 三十几岁:努力工作,做出牺牲,以便为未来打下良好基础。
  4. 四十几岁:在职场上寻找平衡,利用智慧和谦逊。
  5. 五十几岁:优雅接受年龄,追求自己热爱的工作,享受创造力的顶峰。
  6. 六十几岁及以上:积极生活,参与家庭和社会,分享故事与智慧。
  7. 最重要的是,以上这些都只是社会的框架,你不必严格按照这些来,你需要找到自己的节奏,探索自己的生活。

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