Daily Productive Sharing 1104 - The Minimum

Daily Productive Sharing 1104 - The Minimum
Photo by Karl Hedin / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Any job can be done with minimal effort, but Herbert Lui suggests we ask ourselves why:

  1. Doing the bare minimum may keep us from getting fired, but it also means minimal rewards and limited opportunities;
  2. The key is to ask why we’re only doing the minimum. Do we have more important things to focus on? Do we dislike the job? Is the workload overwhelming, forcing us to do the least? Is this a temporary approach or a habit we’ve developed?
  3. If you’re a manager, consider this question from the employees' perspective: why might they only be doing the minimum?

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任何工作都可以只做最少量的工作,Herbert Lui 建议我们问问自己为什么?

  1. 最少量的工作当然可以保证不被炒鱿鱼,但也意味着最少的回报和最少的机会;
  2. 最关键的是我们要问自己为什么只想做最少量的工作?是我们还有更重要的事做,还是我们不喜欢这份工作?亦或工作太多,我们只能完成最少量的工作?到底只是暂时的,还是已经成为了习惯?
  3. 作为管理者的话,也可以换成员工的角度想想为什么?

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