Daily Productive Sharing 1113 - Benefits of Daily Diary
One helpful tip per day:)
After keeping a journal for over 20 years, Derek Sivers shares his insights:
- He has recorded everything from significant events to mundane details, valuing both equally. For him, these entries provide an authentic look back at his life, helping him better understand his emotions and decisions at the time;
- He writes every day, even if it’s just a small entry. If he can’t write on the same day, he ensures to catch up the next day;
- He emphasizes questioning and challenging his own thoughts, as it’s key to intellectual and emotional growth;
- For specific topics, he suggests creating a “thought journal” to document reflections and ideas tied to certain themes;
- One of his favorite topics is regret. By documenting regrets, he learns how to avoid similar mistakes in the future.
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坚持写了二十多年日志之后,Derek Sivers 分享了他的心得:
- 他坚持写了二十多年日志,既包括影响重大的事情,也有日常的记录。在他看来,两者同样重要 -- 因为它们为未来的自己提供真实的生活回顾,帮助更好地理解当时的感受和决策;
- 他坚持每天写,哪怕只写一点点记录也好,如果当天没有时间的话,第二天也要补上;
- 他特别强调提问和质疑自己的思考,因为这是促进智力和情感发展的关键;
- 针对特定主题,可以创建“思考日志”,记录与某些主题相关的反思和想法;
- 比如他最喜欢的主题是后悔,这些记录帮助他在未来避免这些遗憾。
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