Daily Productive Sharing 1122 - Fire

Daily Productive Sharing 1122 - Fire
Photo by Courtnie Tosana / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

How do you light a fire? Anil Dash shares his insights:

  1. The most crucial factor for sustaining a fire is oxygen—intangible and invisible, yet often overlooked;
  2. Every piece of fuel has its own life cycle, whether it’s coal or wood. To keep the fire burning, we must continually add new fuel to sustain its life;
  3. Each piece of wood holds the energy it gathered during its life, and each lump of coal does too. When we see a fire, we should respect the life that came before it.

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如何点一次火?Anil Dash 分享了他的见解:

  1. 让火燃烧起来最重要的因素是氧气,看不见摸不着。这也是我们常常忽略的;
  2. 每一份燃料都有它的周期,一块煤,一块木头。在火燃烧的过程中,我们需要不断添加新的燃料,用于延续火的生命;
  3. 每一块木头都蕴含着从它生命中获得的能量,每一块煤也是,所以当我们看到火的时候,更需要敬畏它前世的生命。

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