Daily Productive Sharing 1127 - Sleep Compression
One helpful tip per day:)
Do you struggle with insomnia? Nick Wignall suggests a counterintuitive solution— Sleep Compression:
- Insomnia often occurs because we spend too much time in bed, and sleep restriction aims to reduce this time;
- Compress your time in bed to 5-6 hours to train your brain to associate being in bed with relaxation and sleep;
- Maintain this restricted duration until you can fall asleep within 5-15 minutes of lying down;
- Gradually extend your time in bed, adding 30 minutes at a time;
- Stick to the set duration regardless of how well you sleep.
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你有失眠困扰吗?Nick Wignall 介绍了一个反直觉的对策 -- 睡眠压缩法:
- 我们失眠是因为在床上的时间太久,而睡眠压缩法就是要压缩我们在床上的时间;
- 把在床上的时间压缩到5-6小时,从而让你的大脑明白在床上就是为了放松睡觉;
- 持续保持这样的时长,直到你躺下后5-15分钟就能入睡;
- 慢慢地把在床上的时间延长,每半小时为一个单位;
- 不管睡得好坏,都要保持以上时长。
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