Daily Productive Sharing 1143 - The Age 30 Crisis

Daily Productive Sharing 1143 - The Age 30 Crisis
Photo by Maksim Samuilionak / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Are you feeling anxious in your thirties? Rob Henderson believes this is the so-called "30s crisis"—a phase marking the end of adolescence and the true beginning of adulthood, which can bring a sense of loss:

  1. In early adulthood, one of the most distressing fears is that there is no life after youth, and turning 30 is often seen as being "over the hill."
  2. When a man first steps into the adult world, his main task is to become a novice adult and establish his life foundation.
  3. Men in early adulthood face two conflicting goals: on one hand, they want to keep their options open, avoid strong commitments, and maximize freedom; on the other hand, they want to build a stable life, cultivate responsibility, and achieve something meaningful, which requires significant investment.
  4. Being too young can make it hard to make wise decisions, but waiting too long risks missing opportunities.
  5. A man's sense of well-being is tied to how he perceives his progress toward his goals in terms of speed and success.
  6. The "boyish self" within men wishes for everything to effortlessly work in their favor. When they don’t receive the recognition they crave, they feel disappointed and humiliated.
  7. Life doesn’t work as people often imagine—happiness is not a permanent state.
  8. Accepting the guilt and pain that accompany this stage of life is crucial.

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三十多岁的你是否感到焦虑?Rob Henderson 认为这其实是三十岁危机 -- 这一阶段是青春期的终结和成人期真正的开始,这可能带来一种失落感:

  1. 青年早期最令人痛苦的恐惧是担心青春之后没有生活,30岁之后被认为是“走下坡路”;
  2. 当一个男性首次步入成年世界时,他的主要任务是成为一个初出茅庐的成年人,并建立自己的生活基础;
  3. 初入成人期阶段的男性面临两个相互冲突的目标:一方面,他们想保留选择的自由,避免强烈的义务并最大化选择;另一方面,他们也想建立稳定的生活,培养责任感并有所成就,这需要强烈的投入;
  4. 太年轻可能难以做出明智选择,但如果等待太久,又会错过机会;
  5. 男性对幸福感的认知取决于他自己对目标达成速度与程度的感受;
  6. 男性内心的“男孩自我”希望一切都顺利地偏向于自己。当他未能获得渴望的认可时,会感到失落和羞辱;
  7. 生活并不像人们想象的那样 -- 幸福 -- 并不是一种持续的状态;
  8. 接受这一人生阶段的内疚和痛苦至关重要。

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