Daily Productive Sharing 1144 - Bullet or Numbered Lists?

Daily Productive Sharing 1144 - Bullet or Numbered Lists?
Photo by Milad Fakurian / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Should you use a bulleted list or a numbered list? Danny Guo thoughtfully suggests using a numbered list:

  1. Numbered lists improve communication, especially when there are many points, as it allows others to easily refer to a specific item by its number;
  2. Even with bulleted lists, people often end up saying "the second point," which essentially captures the purpose of using a numbered list in the first place.

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到底是用要点列表好还是用序列列表好?Danny Guo 很细致地建议用序列列表:

  1. 序列列表有助于沟通,特别是有很多要点的时候,别人可以很方便地指出第几点来沟通;
  2. 其实用要点列表时,人们也会说第几点,这不就是使用序列列表的要义?

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