Daily Productive Sharing 1155 - Go Deeper

Daily Productive Sharing 1155 - Go Deeper
Photo by Ryan Klaus / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Do you buy books in heaps but read them at a snail’s pace? David Cain suggests we focus on fully exploring what we already have:

  1. The theme of a Depth Year is "Go deeper, not wider"—to delve into value and richness rather than spreading yourself thin.
  2. A key part of the maturing process in a Depth Year is learning to live without the constant “little highs” from starting something new.
  3. When you buy a book, you pretend it’s because you want to read it. But the truth is, you often desire a new book more than the unread ones you already own—books you purchased months ago under the same pretense, which gave you the same fleeting thrill of acquisition.
  4. Going deeper requires patience, practice, and the ability to remain engaged even during uneventful periods.
  5. When we give ourselves fewer points of excitement, we dig deeper, uncovering rarer and more valuable insights compared to the surface-level discoveries we usually settle for.

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你是否买书如山倒,读书如抽丝?就此,David Cain 建议我们认真探索已有的事物:

  1. 深度年的主题是 “深耕,而非扩展” -- 深入挖掘价值和丰富性,而不是四处撒网;
  2. 深度年的成熟过程很大一部分是学会在没有经常性的“小确幸”的情况下生活;
  3. 当你买一本书时,假装自己是为了读它。然而事实是,你更想要一本新书,而不是去读你早已拥有的未读书籍——这些书也是几个月前以同样的借口买下的,而当时也带来了同样短暂的购买快感。
  4. 深入需要耐心、练习,以及在没什么新鲜事物发生的时间段里仍能投入其中的能力;
  5. 当我们为自己设定更少的兴奋点时,我们会更深入,而我们发掘到的东西比通常浮于表面的内容更稀有、更有价值。

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