Daily Productive Sharing 1157 - About Jimmy Carter

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Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter recently passed away, and flags were flown at half-staff across the country to honor him. What made this elder statesman so widely respected? Ryan Holiday provides some answers:
- During his presidency, there were no wars and no corruption. He was the first to address climate change, mandated seat belts in cars, returned the Panama Canal to its rightful owners, and brokered a historic peace agreement in the Middle East.
- As Carter summarized his time in office: “We told the truth, we obeyed the law, and we kept the peace.”
- After leaving office, Carter founded The Carter Center, dedicated to promoting global health, democracy, and human rights, earning him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.
- Carter understood the danger of procrastination: we don’t outright reject tasks, but we tell ourselves, “I’ll do it later.” More often than not, later never comes.
- The Carters requested that Mary Prince be assigned as the nanny for their young daughter, Amy. They ultimately secured her parole and a full pardon, and she lived with them in the White House. After his presidency, Carter even bought her a house near their home in Plains, Georgia.
- Carter believed that age is never a barrier, especially when it comes to doing what’s right.
- Throughout his life, Carter smoked only one cigarette—at the age of 21 while attending the Naval Academy. He hated it and never smoked again.
- No matter what you do, someone will always be unhappy. That’s a simple fact of life, but it shouldn’t stop you from moving forward.
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美国前总统卡特最近去世,美国不少地方都长时间地降半旗向他致敬。到底是什么让这位老总统这么让人尊敬?Ryan Holiday 给出了他的答案:
- 他执政期间无战争、无腐败,首次关注气候变化,推动汽车强制安装安全带,将巴拿马运河归还给其合法拥有者,并为中东达成了一项历史性的和平协议。
- 如他自己对任期的总结:“我们讲了真话,遵守了法律,并维持了和平。”
- 卸任后,卡特成立了卡特中心,致力于促进全球健康、民主和人权,并因此在2002年获得诺贝尔和平奖。
- 卡特明白拖延的危险在于,我们不会直接说我们不去做,而是说“以后再做”。但往往就再也没有行动了。
- 卡特夫妇请求让普林斯担任他们年幼的女儿艾米的保姆,并最终为她争取到假释和全面赦免。她后来搬进白宫与他们一起生活。总统任期结束后,卡特为她在佐治亚州普莱恩斯卡特家附近买了一栋房子。
- 卡特明白,年龄从来不是障碍,尤其是在做正确的事情时。
- 在他的一生中,卡特只抽过一根烟,那是他21岁在海军学院时。他非常讨厌,之后再也没抽过。
- 无论你做什么,总会有人不满。这是生活的简单事实,但你不能因此止步不前。
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