Daily Productive Sharing 1164 - Reach Out to Your Network
One helpful tip per day:)
How can you more effectively find job opportunities? Herbert Lui suggests leveraging your network to secure referrals:
- Start with job postings and work backward (e.g., check LinkedIn to see if anyone in your first-degree connections works at the company, or if someone in your second-degree connections does).
- If you know someone directly (first-degree connection), reach out to them and ask if they’d be willing to recommend you to the company.
- For second-degree connections, send a forwardable email and ask if they can pass it along or introduce you if they receive a positive response.
- Take time to catch up with close friends—it has the added benefit of sometimes connecting you with people at hiring companies.
- People you’re less familiar with may have access to networks vastly different from yours, opening doors to opportunities you wouldn’t otherwise encounter.
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如何更有效地寻找工作机会?Herbert Lui 建议可以通过自己的关系网来找到内推机会:
- 找到职位广告,然后从那里倒推(例如,在 LinkedIn 上是否有我认识的人(第一层关系)或认识某人的人(第二层关系)在该公司工作?)
- 如果认识第一层关系的人,就联系他们,询问他们是否愿意向公司推荐我;
- 如果是第二层关系,发送一封可转发的电子邮件,并询问他们是否能够转发邮件并在收到积极回应后进行介绍;
- 抽出时间与好朋友叙旧还有一个额外的好处,他们有时认识在招聘的公司工作的人;
- 你不太熟悉的人可能接触到与你完全不同的网络,从而会遇到非常不同的机会。
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