Daily Productive Sharing 1166 - Write Down Every Decision
One helpful tip per day:)
How can you boost your efficiency with a simple method? oreghall shares a technique that seems difficult yet is incredibly simple:
- Before doing anything, write down your decision on paper.
- This approach has two key benefits: first, it eliminates impulsive actions by forcing reflection before making decisions; second, it helps overcome indecisiveness, enabling quicker and more concrete choices.
- While this method appears rigid, it’s actually flexible—you can cancel a decision anytime by simply crossing it out.
- The written decision doesn’t need to be highly detailed; it just needs to align with your most recent choice.
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如何用一个简单的方式提高你的效率?oreghall 分享了一个看似困难又极其简单的办法:
- 做任何事之前,先在纸上写下这一个决定;
- 这么做有两个好处:一是消除冲动行为,迫使人们在做决定前进行反思;二是帮助克服优柔寡断,以便迅速做出具体决定;
- 尽管这个方法看似严格,但实际上具有灵活性,可以随时取消决定,只需在纸上划掉;
- 写下的决定不需要非常具体,只要与最近的决定相符即可。
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