Daily Productive Sharing 1168 - Intuition VS. Analytics

Daily Productive Sharing 1168 - Intuition VS. Analytics
Photo by Jarno Colijn / Unsplash

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Is intuition accurate? David Perell combines insights from golf to explain how intuition often contradicts science:

  1. Ball-striking, especially driving off the tee and shots from 150-225 yards, are the most critical factors in achieving low scores.
  2. Bryson DeChambeau realized that to become the best in the world, he needed to drive farther—challenging the traditional belief that accuracy is more important than distance.
  3. He gained 40 pounds, becoming the longest driver on tour. In 2019, he ranked 24th in strokes-gained off-the-tee and 34th in driving distance. By the next year, he was first in both categories.
  4. In 2020, Bryson averaged 323.8 yards off the tee, setting a PGA Tour record. On par-4 and par-5 holes, his tee shots averaged 18.6 yards longer than the PGA Tour average while maintaining the tour average in fairways hit per round.
  5. Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. This is an irrefutable truth. Bryson proved that a determined contrarian, armed with the right data and a definitive plan, can upend conventional wisdom and demonstrate that there's a better way.
  6. In fact, an analytical approach can make your intuition stronger.
  7. Intuition isn't as static as we think; with the right tools, it can improve over time.

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直觉是否准确?David Perell 结合高尔夫的发展告诉我们,很多直觉与科学相背:

  1. 开球和150至225码的距离击球,是打出低杆数最关键因素;
  2. Bryson DeChambeau 意识到,若想登顶世界第一,他需要让开球更远——这挑战了传统观点即精准度比距离更重要;
  3. 他的体重增加了40磅,成为巡回赛中最远开球者。2019年,他的开球得分排名第24位,开球距离排第34位。一年后,这两项均列榜首;
  4. 2020年,Bryson的平均开球距离达323.8码,创 PGA 锦标赛历史纪录。在四杆洞和五杆洞的开球上,他平均比巡回赛选手长18.6码,同时保持每轮击中球道的平均次数;
  5. 不要只看表面;要用证据说话。这是颠扑不破的真理。Bryson 证明了:一个坚定的怀疑论者,凭借正确数据和明确计划,可以颠覆陈规并证明有更好的方法;
  6. 实际上,采取分析方法可以让你拥有更强的直觉;
  7. 直觉不像我们想象的那样一成不变。借助正确的工具,它会随着时间提升。

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