Daily Productive Sharing 1174 - Default Definitions

Daily Productive Sharing 1174 - Default Definitions
Photo by Uran Wang / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Are the default answers in life always the ones we should follow? Anne-Laure Le Cunff believes we should dare to ask questions:

  1. Even if there are default answers, we can still question whether they are what we truly want or if we can create our own.
  2. We should ask ourselves what we really desire.
  3. We can take these default answers and turn them into questions for self-reflection.
  4. The most important thing is not the answer itself, but discovering what we truly want.

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生活中有很多默认的答案,但我们一定要遵循它们吗?Anne-Laure Le Cunff 认为我们可以大胆发问:

  1. 即使这些问题都已经有默认的答案了,我们还可以追问这些是不是我们想要的,或者我们可以创造自己的答案;
  2. 我们可以问问自己真正想要的是什么?
  3. 我们可以把这些默认答案拿来,然后转换为问题问自己;
  4. 最重要的并不是答案是什么,而是找到我们要什么?

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