Daily Productive Sharing 1176 - Silence

Daily Productive Sharing 1176 - Silence
Photo by Liana S / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Herman Martinus reflected on his recent experience fixing a website and realized that without music or podcasts, he was able to be at peace with himself:

  1. Just like how we often have bursts of thoughts while showering, being alone allows us to have conversations with ourselves.
  2. These moments of self-dialogue help us solve complex problems, foster personal growth, and generate meaningful ideas.
  3. So, we might benefit from spending more time alone—putting down our phones and turning off the music.

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Herman Martinus 回顾最近一次修复网站时的经历,发现没有音乐没有播客的他,可以和自己安静地相处:

  1. 就像在洗澡时,我们经常思绪迸发一样,我们在独处时,可以与自己对话;
  2. 这种对话让我们解决复杂问题,促进自我实现并产生有意义的思想;
  3. 所以我们不妨多尝试与自己独处,放下手机,关掉音乐。

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