Daily Productive Sharing 1178 - How I’m Preparing For The Next Four Years

Daily Productive Sharing 1178 - How I’m Preparing For The Next Four Years
Photo by Joshua Tsu / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Facing the chaotic return of Trump to office, Ryan Holiday asks himself what he could do for the next four years. His answer is to focus on what he can control:

  1. I’m focusing on what I can control.
  2. I’m reading old books, not watching the news.
  3. I’m reminding myself what my job is.
  4. Focus on the things that don’t change.
  5. I’m treating people well.
  6. I’m refusing to become cynical.
  7. I’m focusing on my expertise.
  8. I’m doing difficult things.

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面对疯狂的 Trump 上台,Ryan Holiday 问自己接下来四年应该怎么办?他的答案是做自己能做的事:

  1. 专注于自己能掌控的事情。
  2. 阅读经典书籍,而不关注新闻。
  3. 时刻提醒自己我的职责是什么。
  4. 关注那些始终不变的事物。
  5. 善待他人。
  6. 拒绝变得愤世嫉俗。
  7. 专注于自己的专业领域。
  8. 在挑战困难的事情。

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