Daily Productive Sharing 1179 - Industrial Coevolution

Daily Productive Sharing 1179 - Industrial Coevolution
Photo by Petar Avramoski / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

  1. China’s strength across multiple overlapping industries creates a compounding effect for its industrial policy efforts.
  2. If you’re already strong in multiple overlapping industries, then this creates a mutually reinforcing feedback loop that further strengthens your position in all of these connected industries.
  3. Having existing domestic suppliers in upstream industries can make it easier to source parts and work directly with suppliers to modify specifications to suit industry needs.
  4. Having an existing set of domestic buyers in downstream industries can provide a ready source of market demand and industry revenue.
  5. Investments in R&D and manufacturing techniques in one industry can have returns across other related industries.
  6. If you have a product that’s an input for multiple industries, then having all of those industries domestically allows for greater economies of scale for that product.
  7. In addition to lithium batteries, China’s smartphone and broader consumer electronics industry provided Chinese EV makers with suppliers and know-how for making touchscreen displays, electronic control systems, and other related electronic hardware.
  8. As the world’s largest producer of steel, aluminum, petrochemical products, and other industrial commodities, China has many domestic firms that can supply these inputs for the EV industry.
  9. In a number of cases, you have what I call “industrial coevolution” where two or more related industries develop together in an iterative, two-way process.
  10. Lastly, part of the reason why China is getting stronger across multiple overlapping tech-industrial ecosystems is because of a general convergence across these domains.

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为何中国这几年的手机,电动车等行业突飞猛进?Kyle Chan 认为这是产业集聚效应所致:

  1. 中国在多个相互重叠的产业中的实力,为其产业政策带来了复合效应。
  2. 如果一个国家在多个相互重叠的产业中已经具备竞争优势,这些产业之间会形成相互强化的反馈循环,从而进一步巩固其在所有相关产业中的领先地位。
  3. 拥有本土的上游供应商,使得企业能够更便捷地获取零部件,并直接与供应商合作,调整产品规格以满足行业需求。
  4. 本土下游产业的现有客户群能够提供稳定的市场需求和行业收入来源。
  5. 在某个行业的研发和制造技术投资,往往可以在其他相关产业中获得回报。
  6. 如果某种产品是多个行业的关键投入品,那么这些行业的本土化发展将有助于该产品实现更大的规模经济效应。
  7. 除了锂电池产业外,中国的智能手机及更广泛的消费电子行业,还为中国电动汽车制造商提供了供应链支持及技术经验,例如触摸屏显示、电子控制系统及其他相关电子硬件。
  8. 作为全球最大的钢铁、铝、石化产品及其他工业原材料生产国,中国拥有大量本土企业,能够为电动汽车产业提供关键投入品。
  9. 在许多情况下,出现了我称之为“产业共进”的现象,即两个或多个相关产业通过迭代和双向互动的方式共同发展。
  10. 最后,中国在多个科技-工业生态系统中持续增强竞争力的部分原因在于,这些领域正在逐步融合。

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