Daily Productive Sharing 1185 - 2024 Review by Michael Karnjanaprakorn

Daily Productive Sharing 1185 - 2024 Review by Michael Karnjanaprakorn
Photo by Brian McMahon` / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Michael Karnjanaprakorn reflects on the changes he experienced over the past year:

  1. Over the past year, his top priority was to infuse joy into daily life.
  2. According to Jungian theory, the first half of life (typically before 40) is about shaping one’s identity through career success, relationships, and societal achievements.
  3. Around the age of 40, people face a choice: to cling to their established identity or to let go and embrace their most authentic self.
  4. He felt this shift—moving from following societal expectations (external) to pursuing personal growth and meaning (internal).
  5. His advice: take time to examine your life and ask yourself which parts reflect your true self and which are just "masks" you've picked up along the way. Then, start peeling away those layers.
  6. He began asking himself new questions: What truly matters? Is it time with family? Is it the moments worth remembering? These questions helped him focus on what is genuinely valuable.
  7. He launched The Karnjanaprakorn Show (TKS) podcast and recorded 38 episodes. To his surprise, TKS made it into Spotify’s top 10% of video podcasts.
  8. He realized that financial minimalism is not just about reducing clutter but about freeing up time and energy to focus on what truly matters.
  9. The shift from "talking about ideas" to "taking action" was refreshing. It made him realize that action often brings clarity more effectively than endless thinking.
  10. Letting go of identities built to meet others’ expectations isn’t easy, but it is transformative. Living authentically deepens human connections and makes life more fulfilling.
  11. He consolidated everything—random ideas, articles to read, to-do lists—into a single place. Later, he would review and either categorize them into Notion project folders or delete them.
  12. During his 2025 annual planning, he made a crucial shift: instead of setting broad goals, he focused on creating milestones that would still be meaningful a decade from now.

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Michael Karnjanaprakorn 回顾了去年一年的变化:

  1. 去过一年,他的首要任务是 在日常生活中注入快乐
  2. 根据荣格的理论,人生的前半段(通常在 40 岁之前),人们专注于通过职业成功、人际关系和社会成就来塑造自我和外在形象;
  3. 但到了 40 岁左右,我们面临一个选择:是执着于已塑造的身份,还是放下它们,去拥抱最真实的自己;
  4. 他感受到了这种转变——从遵循社会期望(外在)到追求个人成长和意义(内在);
  5. 他的建议:花点时间审视自己的生活,问问自己,哪些部分是真正的自己,哪些是一路上穿上的“伪装”?然后开始剥去这些层层伪装;
  6. 他开始问自己新的问题:什么才是真正重要的?是与家人在一起的时光?是值得回忆的瞬间? 这些问题帮助他专注于真正有价值的事情;
  7. 我推出了 The Karnjanaprakorn Show (TKS) 播客,并录制了 38 期节目。让我惊讶的是,TKS 竟然进入了 Spotify 视频播客的前 10%;
  8. 他意识到,财务极简主义不仅仅是减少杂物,而是释放时间和精力,去专注于真正重要的事情。
  9. 这种从 “谈论想法”到“动手实践” 的转变令人耳目一新。这让他意识到,行动往往比思考更能带来清晰的方向。
  10. 放下为了迎合他人期待而建立的身份认同并不容易,但却极具转变意义。活出真实的自己,让人与人之间的联系更加深刻,生活也更加充实。
  11. 他把所有事情——突发的想法、要阅读的文章、待办事项——集中存放在一个地方。之后,我会整理清单,并将其分类到 Notion 的项目文件夹或直接删除。
  12. 他在2025年的年度规划过程中做出了一个关键转变:不再关注广泛的目标,而是专注于创造一个十年后仍值得铭记的里程碑。

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