Daily Productive Sharing 246 - How to Ask Questions?

One helpful tip per day:)

(The English version follows)


Julia Evans 指出:

Understanding and learning are more important than feeling smart.


  1. 不要担心别人会笑话你不懂;
  2. 承认自己不明白;
  3. 避免被说教;



Asking questions is a Superpower

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Julia Evans states.

Understanding and learning are more important than feeling smart.

So she asks the following questions.

  1. don't worry that people will laugh at you for not understanding;
  2. admit that you don't understand;
  3. avoid being mansplained.

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Asking questions is a Superpower

Need a superb CV, please try our CV Consultation


I’ve started trying to ask questions any time I don’t understand something, instead of worrying about whether people will think I’m dumb for not knowing it.
I’ve started trying to ask questions any time I don’t understand something, instead of worrying about whether people will think I’m dumb for not knowing it.
be skeptical! Don’t believe what people say even if they’re using fancy words!
Another hard thing is admitting that I don’t understand. I try to not be too judgemental about this
As a side effect, when I go to a talk about a subject I’m interested in, and I don’t understand something, I’m a lot more willing to ask questions like “so what IS <basic concept that wasn’t explained>?“. Usually people are really happy to answer!
A difficult thing about asking questions is that I have to be pretty careful about asking the right questions and making it clear which parts I know already.
Understanding and learning are more important than feeling smart.