Daily Productive Sharing 248 - How to Write Clearly?

One helpful tip per day:)

(The English version follows)


Wes Kao 是营销界的老兵,曾经辅佐过 Seth Godin 等大腕。她分享了一些英文写作的技巧:

  1. 删除 “fine”;
  2. 删除 “however”;
  3. 删除 “unfortunately”;
  4. 删除 double negatives;
  5. 删除 “can’t until”;
  6. 删除 “honestly”;
  7. 删除 “very”,“truly” 和 “really”



Take 3 minutes to delete these words and improve your writing forever

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Wes Kao is a veteran of the marketing world, having assisted such greats as Seth Godin. She shares some tips for writing in English.

  1. Delete "fine";
  2. Delete "however";
  3. Delete "unfortunately";
  4. Delete double negatives;
  5. Delete "can't until";
  6. Delete "honestly";
  7. Delete "very", "really" and "really";

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Take 3 minutes to delete these words and improve your writing forever

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The right words can make you seem warmer, more authoritative, and more effective.
But the wrong words can accidentally make you sound negative, passive, cold—even confrontational.
As a side tip, try to end your sentences on a positive word.
Your reader’s eyes will see the first and last words more than the words in the middle.
If you share bad news, you want to minimize—not make it sound catastrophic. If you must, use “but.”
When you say “not,” your reader has to think of what is, then think of the opposite.
Don’t state what you can’t do. State what you CAN do.
If you point out your honesty, this makes me think you are usually dishonest. Let’s assume your default is to tell the truth.
Pro tip: You could simply delete very/truly/really. That works. If you want to go to the next level, try swapping out for a more evocative word. In this example, we changed “truly glad” to “honored.”