Daily Productive Sharing 269 - How Much Does Patrick McKenzie Make?
One helpful tip per day:)
The vast majority of companies have a system of pay secrecy that maximizes employer benefits. Patrick McKenzie does not agree with such a system and reveals his past earnings in this article.
- when talking about salary, never expose previous salary, because it will become the benchmark for the potential employer to offer salary.
- the maximum consulting fee he offers is 50k dollars / week.
- lowering the opening offer does not make your negotiation easier.
- if the client cannot accept your offer, instead of immediately lowering the price, you can adjust the output scope so that both parties are satisfied.
- when you make a high offer, you have more chances to choose clients.
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绝大部分企业都施行薪酬保密制度,这一制度其实能够最大化地保证雇主利益。因为不透明,雇主可以和每一个雇员谈判,这样就可能造成同工不同酬的状况,从而帮雇主节省成本。Patrick McKenzie 并不赞成这样的制度,于是在这篇文章里披露了自己过往的收入情况。
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