Daily Productive Sharing 284 - Don't Call Yourself A Coder
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Patrick McKenzie is a veteran programmer, but he advises people not to call themselves programmers - why is that? He says this article is a README for new programmers, but in fact a lot of the advice in it applies to other industries too.
- Programming is just a tool, a tool that produces value is a valuable tool. Most code are written to solve business problems, so understanding the business problem to be solved is the key.
- from a business point of view, either to generate profit or to save costs, and code are written to serve these two purposes.
- programmers are thus hired for above purposes, not just to write code.
- programmers are often considered to be the cost centre of a company, so from a company's point of view, they often want to outsource these in order to save money -- to reduce costs, but of course quality is also compromised. Conversely, it is impossible to outsource the profit centre.
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Patrick McKenzie 是一位资深程序员,但是他建议大家不自称程序员,这是为什么呢?他说这篇文章是写给刚入行程序员的 README,其实里面很多建议也适用于其他行业。
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