Daily Productive Sharing 321 - How to Prevent Burnout in Long Term?
One helpful tip per day:)
How to prevent burnout is a topic we've been focusing on for a long time, and this article by Andrew Wulf is unique in that his advice looks at how to prevent burnout in such a long term dimension throughout his career. Looking beyond the present to the longer term, this article is particularly relevant for those just starting working:
- I don't do overtime, other than the occasional end of project time.
- I try to find a place that is compatible with how I like to work.
- Don't assume you always need to do the same thing over and over in the same industry, or even worse never leave your first job and just stick around.
- Sometimes you have to just stop and do something because you want to.
- Unless you own the company or have some massive amount of options or stock, do not be afraid to leave.
- You can't always start your own company but it's a great option to let you see what having to worry about business is like; often you get a new perspective on what an employer has to care about.
- Don't fear new technology or changes in the industry.
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如何防止职业倦态 (burnout) 是我们一直关注的话题,Andrew Wulf 的这篇文章别具一格,他的建议着眼于整个职业生涯,如何从这么长的维度来防止职业倦态。跳出当下,着眼于长线,这篇文章特别适合刚刚投入职场的朋友:
- 不加班;
- 找到一个与我的工作方式契合的地方;
- 不要以为你总是需要在同一个行业里重复做同样的事情,更糟的是,永远不离开你的第一份工作;