Daily Productive Sharing 342 - How to Prioritize?
One helpful tip per day:)
Fadeke Adegbuyi introduced how to prioritize in a detailed way:
- we need align our short terms goals with the long term one;
- health is the foundation, and sleeping is the foundation of the foundation;
- prioritizing without deprioritizing is not possible;
- we can record nice comments from others, and check them while we feel down;
- we can prioritize by collecting all todos into one place;
- Prioritizing often means seeing things through rather than giving up at the first sign of a challenge;
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Fadeke Adegbuyi 详细介绍了如何确定优先次序。
- 我们需要将短期目标与长期目标统一起来。
- 健康是基础,而睡眠是基础的基础。
- 不分轻重缓急地确定优先次序是不可能的。
- 我们可以记录别人对我们的好评,并在自己心情不好的时候查看。
- 我们可以通过将所有待办事项收集到一个地方来确定优先次序。
- 分清轻重缓急往往意味着把事情做完,而不是一遇到困难就放弃。
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