Daily Productive Sharing 391 - A Collection of Time Management Methods
One helpful tip per day:)
Today's recommendations are a collection of time management methods from which you can choose the one that works best for you, or combine several methods to solve your own practical problems:.
- Todoist has categorized these methods according to the level of prior input.
- each of these methods has its own focus, with some focusing on visualizing time, some on making time tactile, and some on making time abstract.
- it is important to note that you do not need to be tied to a particular method and can adapt it to specific needs.
- to borrow the famous phrase from Pirates of the Caribbean, these methods are guidelines rather than rules.
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- Todoist 将这些方法按照先期投入的大小做了分类;
- 这些方法各有侧重,有些侧重于将时间可视化,有些侧重将时间具体化,有些侧重将时间抽象化;
- 需要注意的是,你不需要和某一种方法绑死,可以根据具体需求调整;
- 借用加勒比海盗的名言,这些方法是指南而不是规则。
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