Daily Productive Sharing 438 - How to Reduce Emotional Reasoning?

Daily Productive Sharing 438 - How to Reduce Emotional Reasoning?
Photo by Callum Skelton / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)



Emotional reasoning is a classic cognitive disorder and a cause of many mental problems, and Dr. Hannah England explains that the basic reason of emotional reasoning is that we do not reason based on facts, but on emotions. She gives three steps to reduce emotional reasoning.

  1. Practice validity testing.
  2. Write in a journal.
  3. Discuss your emotions.

For example, I have recently found that when I train, I often have negative emotions because I don't perform as well as I expected, and this negative emotion affects my training afterwards. This vicious cycle makes me not enjoy training as much. I would often complain to my coaches about my negative feelings, and the advice I received from them included: reduce the intensity and focus on quality, and don't compare yourself to others, compare yourself to yourself.

At the same time looking through my training records I can still see my growth, such as learning more early movements and being able to lift more weight.

Another thing is to find a partner of a similar level to train with, so that I don't get dragged down by a partner who is too strong and at the same time push myself to improve better.

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情绪化推理是一种典型的认知障碍,也是很多心理问题的诱因。Dr. Hannah England 介绍道,情绪化推理的基本表象就是我们不根据事实做出推理,而是基于情绪做出推理。她给出了三个减少情绪化推理的步骤:

  1. 练习客观性测试;
  2. 写日记记录自己的情绪;
  3. 和信任的朋友讨论你的情绪。




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