Daily Productive Sharing 443 - How Does The Sweet Setup Use Notion?
One helpful tip per day:)
The Sweet Setup is a well-known Apple ecosystem blog, and they share their experience on how to use Notion to make its team more productive
- always create and use templates so that creating new projects on Notion doesn't start from scratch.
- using a filtered view for each person to see their own tasks, but also switching to a team view to see the progress of the entire team.
- use the Kanban system to collect new ideas, each of which can be easily expanded into a new page.
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The Sweet Setup 是著名的 Apple 生态 blog,他们分享了如何使用 Notion 提高团队效率的经验:
- 大量创建并使用模版,这样在 Notion 上创建新项目就不需要从零开始;
- 每个人使用过滤视图来来看自己的任务,同时也可以切换到团队视图来看整个团队的进度;
- 使用 Kanban 系统来搜集新点子,每一个点子都可以拓展成一个新页面。
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