Daily Productive Sharing 459 - How to Find A Tech Job in Europe?
One helpful tip per day:)
Ludovico Bessi, a CS student who graduated last year, shared his experience of how he found the position of Machine Learning Engineer at Google, which is very informative:
- while in school, he participated in open source events like Google summer of code and Julia season of contribution, as well as an internship at CERN.
- he was rejected by most companies (20/30) and didn't even get an interview from them, although he eventually became an engineer of Google's Zurich office.
- he applied for both machine learning and data science positions, but most of the interviews were in machine learning, and he basically didn't get any interview in data science.
- he focused on communication in the interview, in his opinion all the interviews were 'Solve this little algorithmic problem with another engineer while having fun'.
- he frequently uses data from Levels.fyi to judge the value of each offer.
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Ludovico Bessi 是去年毕业的 CS 学生,他分享了自己如何找到 Google 机器学习工程师这一职位的经历,非常有借鉴意义:
- 在校期间,他就参与了 Google summer of code 和 Julia season of contribution 这样的开源活动,并且参与了 CERN 的实习;
- 尽管他最终成为了 Google 苏黎世办公室的一员,但他被大多数公司拒绝(20/30),甚至连面试机会都没拿到;
- 他同时投了机器学习和数据科学这两个方向的职位,但大多数面试机会都是机器学习方向的,数据科学的面试机会基本没拿到;
- 他在面试中十分重视交流,在他看来所有的面试都是 'Solve this little algorithmic problem with another engineer while having fun';
- 频繁使用 Levels.fyi 的数据来判断每一个 offer 的价值。
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