Daily Productive Sharing 481 - How Can Unfinished Tasks Boost Productivity?

Daily Productive Sharing 481 - How Can Unfinished Tasks Boost Productivity?
Photo by Abbie Bernet / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

In 1927, psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik discovered that people tend to have better memories for interrupted or unfinished tasks, but not for completed ones. This became known as the Zeigarnik effect. Her colleague Maria Ovsiankina found the following year that people have a stronger urge to complete interrupted or unfinished tasks than tasks they have not yet started, which is known as the Ovsiankina effect. With the help of these two effects, we can increase our productivity by:

  1. Starting even if you can’t finish.
  2. Following the ten minute rule.
  3. Taking breaks.
  4. Critically appraising your tasks
  5. Practising self-compassion.

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1927年,心理学家 Bluma Zeigarnik 发现:人们往往对中断或未完成的任务有更好的记忆,而对已经完成的任务则没有。后来这被称为 Zeigarnik 效应。她的同事 Maria Ovsiankina 于随后的一年发现:与尚未开始的任务相比,人们有更强的冲动去完成中断的或未完成的任务,这被称为 Ovsiankina 效应。借助这两个效应,我们可以提高自己的生产力:

  1. 即使你不能完成某个任务,也要开始;
  2. 遵循10分钟规则;
  3. 注意休息;
  4. 认真评估你的任务;
  5. 不要苛求自己

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