Daily Productive Sharing 482 - Ali Abdaal's Book Summaries

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This is Ali Abdaal's book summary page, which focuses on personal growth books. Each book excerpt is created using the Notion template, including a summary and a summary of his thoughts.

Inspired by this template, we have also created book summaries of 40 books before:

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这是 Ali Abdaal 的书摘页面,主要以个人成长类的书籍为主。每一本书摘都是利用 Notion 模版制作的,包括摘要和他的感想总结。


Book Club
This is the archive of our Weekly Book Club, please feel to join us:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weekly Book Club 039 - Innovation Stack[https://letters.acacess.com/weekly-book-club-039/]Weekly Book Club 038 - Hit Refresh[https://letters.ac…

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