Daily Productive Sharing 545 - Why Is Serena Williams Extraordinary?

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We shared a Vogue interview with Serena Williams in [[Daily Productive Sharing 535 - 20220902]], and today's article, also about Wie, comes from the Times:

  1. 10 of Wie's 23 Grand Slams have been won since she turned 30.
  2. it is particularly difficult for female athletes after 30 because they need to start a family and have children, whereas male athletes do not have this obsession
  3. that in addition to being invincible on the tennis court, Wie is also very good in the business world, with investments in unicorns such as MasterClass and Impossible Meat, and is on track to become the first female athlete to surpass $1 billion in assets.
  4. besides tennis, Willie is also interested in other things, such as production, acting, fashion, etc.

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我们在 Daily Productive Sharing 535 - 20220902 曾经分享了 Vogue 采访 Serena Williams 的文章,今天的这篇文章也是写小威的,来自 Times:

  1. 小威的23座大满贯中有10座是在她30岁之后获得的;
  2. 对于女性运动员而言,30岁之后尤为困难,因为他们需要组建家庭,生育孩子,而男性运动员则没有这种困扰;
  3. 小威除了在网球场上所向无敌,她在商场上也十分优秀,她投资了 MasterClass,Impossible Meat 等独角兽,有望成为第一个资产突破十亿美金的女性运动员;
  4. 除了网球,小威对其他事物也很感兴趣,比如制片,演艺,时装等等。

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