Daily Productive Sharing 551 - How to Deal With Fear?
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Hannah Rose analyzed what fear is and how to deal with it.
- on the first sheet of paper, we write down three columns: our own fear, how to prevent this fear, and how to fix the problems caused by this fear.
- on the second sheet of paper, we write down three columns: all the gains from overcoming the fear, some of the gains from overcoming the fear, and the gains from putting it into action.
- write down three columns on the third sheet of paper: what happens six months after taking action, one year later, and three years later?
Writing these down will allow us to face our fears head-on and stop running away from them.
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Hannah Rose 分析了什么是恐惧,以及如何应对恐惧:
- 在第一张纸上,我们写下三列:自己的恐惧,如何预防这一恐惧,如何修复这一恐惧造成的问题;
- 在第二张纸上写下三列:克服恐惧后的所有收益,克服恐惧后的部分收益,以及付诸于行动的收益。
- 在第三张纸上写下三列:采取行动后的六个月后,一年后,三年后分别会如何?
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