Daily Productive Sharing 567 - How to make more time to read?
One helpful tip per day:)
Reading more books seems to be a goal for many people, and Hannah Rose suggests that we first try to answer the following three questions.
- What are your reading goals?
- What would you like to read?
- What hinders your reading?
In practice, she suggests us to
- Stick to physical books or an e-reader.
- Schedule regular times for reading.
- Design a reading ritual.
- Carry a book with you.
- Create accountability.
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阅读更多的书似乎是很多人的目标。Hannah Rose 建议我们先尝试回答以下三个问题:
- 你的阅读目标是什么?
- 你想读什么?
- 什么阻碍了你的阅读?
- 坚持使用实体书或电子阅读器。
- 安排固定的阅读时间。
- 设计一个仪式。
- 随身携带一本书。
- 变得更投入。
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