Daily Productive Sharing 571 - The Essence of Pomodoro
One helpful tip per day:)
Devon Zuegel shares her own experience in using the Pomodoro for efficiency.
- using the Pomodoro requires extreme self-control, and strict adherence to the rules of the tomato clock can contribute to the maximum efficiency.
- the Pomodoro motivates her to take a break after 25 minutes each time, allowing her to work more efficiently in the next 25 minutes.
- if she finds herself distracted for more than one minute during the 25-minute interval, she simply cancels that Pomodoro.
- at each break, she takes the first 20 seconds to write down what she is going to do.
- each break gives her a chance not only to rest, but also to reflect. Similar to the diffuse mode in learning we introduced earlier.
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Devon Zuegel 分享了自己使用番茄钟提高效率的经验:
- 使用番茄钟需要有极强的自制力,严格遵守番茄钟的规则才能获得最大效率;
- 番茄钟促使她每次都在25分钟后休息,让她在下一个25分钟能更高效地工作;
- 如果在25分钟的区间内发现自己有超过一分钟的分神,她就直接取消这一个番茄钟;
- 每次休息时,她会花20秒来写下自己要做什么;
- 每次休息不仅能让她有机会休息,也有机会让她反思。类似于我们之前介绍的发散式学习。
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