Daily Productive Sharing 575 - Mutual and Common Knowledge

Daily Productive Sharing 575 - Mutual and Common Knowledge
Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Terence Tao introduced three concepts in logic:

  1. mutual knowledge:  information that everyone (or almost everyone) knows
  2. common knowledge: not only knowledge that (almost) everyone knows, but something that (almost) everyone knows that everyone else knows (and that everyone knows that everyone else knows that everyone else knows, and so forth).
  3. tu quoque: so do you.

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  1. mutual knowledge:所有人(或几乎所有人)都知道的信息。
  2. common knowledge:不仅是(几乎)每个人都知道的信息,而且是(几乎)每个人都知道别人也知道这一信息。
  3. tu quoque: 你也一样谬误。

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