Daily Productive Sharing 576 - What Can We Do on A Flight?

Daily Productive Sharing 576 - What Can We Do on A Flight?
Photo by Mark Olsen / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Jack Raines spent last year traveling, so he had much time on flights. Here are how he spent time on flights:

  • Read
  • Unsubscribe
  • Update your resume
  • Clear out old photos
  • Organize your files
  • Draft emails
  • Unplug and reflect
  • Write
  • Create graphics
  • Plan
  • Talk to a stranger

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#todo #time_management

Jack Raines 过去一年都在路上,所有有大把时间在航班上。他介绍了自己如何利用这些时间:

  1. 阅读
  2. 退订邮件列表
  3. 更新简历
  4. 清理旧照片
  5. 清理文件
  6. 准备邮件
  7. 反思
  8. 写作
  9. 准备图表
  10. 做规划
  11. 和陌生人交谈

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