Daily Productive Sharing 579 - Building A Team
One helpful tip per day:)
Juan Pablo Ortiz believes that building a team is much more important than hiring a top engineer:
- when hiring engineers, it is not about finding the best engineers, but avoiding finding unqualified ones.
- companies don't go out of business because they can't find good engineers, but they do go out of business because they can't build a good team.
- building a good team is much more important than hiring good engineers.
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Juan Pablo Ortiz 认为建设一支团队比雇佣一个顶尖工程师要重要得多:
- 雇佣工程师的时候,并不在于找到最优秀的工程师,而是避免找到不合格的工程师;
- 公司不会因为找不到好的工程师而倒闭,但是会因为找不到一支好队伍而倒闭;
- 建设一支好的团队,比雇佣优秀工程师要重要得多。
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