Daily Productive Sharing 583 - How Does Singapore Succeed?

Daily Productive Sharing 583 - How Does Singapore Succeed?
Photo by Kirill Petropavlov / Unsplash

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Devon Zuegel analyzed the reasons for Singapore's success.

  1. lack of natural resources made it necessary for them to trade with the outside world;
  2. a privileged location that allowed them to develop ports and airports;
  3. the size of a city makes it easy to manouver;
  4. enlightened policies and strict laws attracted a lot of outside investment and talent.

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Devon Zuegel 分析了新加坡成功的原因:

  1. 缺少自然资源使得他们必须与外界交易;
  2. 优越的地理位置使得他们得以发展港口和机场;
  3. 城市般大小的国家容易转型;
  4. 开明的政策和严格的法律吸引了大量外部投资和人才。

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