Daily Productive Sharing 587 - Cumulative vs. Cyclical Knowledge

Daily Productive Sharing 587 - Cumulative vs. Cyclical Knowledge
Photo by Mark König / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Morgan Housel sees two types of knowledge.

  1. cumulative knowledge: usually quantifiable and therefore easily updated, such as medical science.
  2. cyclical knowledge: usually acquired through experience, difficult to quantify, and therefore not easily passed on, such as financial knowledge.

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Morgan Housel 认为知识有两类:

  1. 可积累的知识:通常可以量化,所以容易更新,比如医学;
  2. 循环的知识:通常通过经历来获得,难以量化,所以不容易传承,比如理财知识。

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