Daily Productive Sharing 592 - Cities reading list
One helpful tip per day:)
We have shared a number of articles on cities written by Devon Zuegel.
Daily Productive Sharing 564 - Remote Work and Talent Monopoly
One helpful tip per day:) Devon Zuegel believes that remote work would make the United States less attractive to talents and that people could have more choices of where to work. 1. remote work does not require work visa concerns. 2. remote work can be done in countries that have

Daily Productive Sharing 580 - Crypto in Argentine
One helpful tip per day:) Doven Zuegel gives a very detailed account of the use of cryptocurrencies in Argentina. 1. The Argentine Peso has been devalued so much that it has been impossible to withdraw money from the bank. Many people have cash to buy bricks and store them to
Daily Productive Sharing 583 - How Does Singapore Succeed?
One helpful tip per day:) Devon Zuegel analyzed the reasons for Singapore’s success. 1. lack of natural resources made it necessary for them to trade with the outside world; 2. a privileged location that allowed them to develop ports and airports; 3. the size of a city makes it easy
How does she get such insight into urban planning as a person with a computer science degree? The answer is a lot of reading. Today's share comes from her urban planning book list.
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我们陆续分享了 Devon Zuegel 写的一些关于城市的文章:
Daily Productive Sharing 564 - Remote Work and Talent Monopoly
One helpful tip per day:) Devon Zuegel believes that remote work would make the United States less attractive to talents and that people could have more choices of where to work. 1. remote work does not require work visa concerns. 2. remote work can be done in countries that have

Daily Productive Sharing 580 - Crypto in Argentine
One helpful tip per day:) Doven Zuegel gives a very detailed account of the use of cryptocurrencies in Argentina. 1. The Argentine Peso has been devalued so much that it has been impossible to withdraw money from the bank. Many people have cash to buy bricks and store them to
Daily Productive Sharing 583 - How Does Singapore Succeed?
One helpful tip per day:) Devon Zuegel analyzed the reasons for Singapore’s success. 1. lack of natural resources made it necessary for them to trade with the outside world; 2. a privileged location that allowed them to develop ports and airports; 3. the size of a city makes it easy
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My main takeaway: urban planning is still like medieval medicine, with doctors trying to leech out bad humours rather than working off of causal models with predictive power.
The book explores four cities—Bombay, St Petersburg, Shanghai, and Dubai—that were created with the idea of being a window to the future in an undeveloped, unglobalized country.
Over the course of his career, Moses personally conceived and completed projects costing 27 billion dollars, more than any other US government employee ever.
The book is not only a look into Moses' fascinating life but also a unique perspective on American history and urban planning during that half century. It's also a must-read for anyone interested in how power works, even if they aren't specifically drawn in by the cities angle.
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