Daily Productive Sharing 608 - Writing as A Recreation

Daily Productive Sharing 608 - Writing as A Recreation
Photo by Etienne Girardet / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Paul Graham sees writing as a process of re-creation:

  1. even if we have thought about it for a long time beforehand, we will still come up with new ideas during the writing process.
  2. when we have finished writing, we can read the words as if we were an unfamiliar reader, and see if they match the ideas we had before we wrote them.
  3. writing can make our ideas more focused and accurate.

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Paul Graham 认为写作是一种再创造的过程:

  1. 哪怕我们事先思考良久,在写作过程中我们依旧会有新的想法产生;
  2. 当我们写完之后,可以把自己当作一个陌生读者,重新来阅读写下的文字,看看是否和我们写之前的想法一致;
  3. 写作能让我们的想法更专注,更准确。

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