Daily Productive Sharing 611 - How to Keep Motivated?
One helpful tip per day:)
Dr. Hannah Rose believes that motivation comes from action, which is consistent with James Clear's view in Atomic Habits:
- motivation lies in the fact that after we start, we keep moving forward, and even if we fall, we can get up and move forward again.
- motivation is divided into two kinds: intrinsic and extrinsic, where intrinsic motivation will make us self-driven and extrinsic motivation may not be consistent with our interests.
- instead of procrastinating in front of a difficult task, we should break it down and complete a little bit each day. This can enhance our motivation.
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Dr. Hannah Rose 认为动力源自行动,这点与 James Clear 在 Atomic Habits 一书中的观点一致:
- 所谓动力,在于我们起步之后,不断前行,即使跌倒,也能爬起来再前行;
- 动力分为内在和外在两种,内在动力会让我们自驱,而外在动力又可能与我们的兴趣不一致;
- 与其在一件困难的任务前拖沓不决,不如把它拆解开来,每天完成一点点。这样能够增强我们的动力。
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