Daily Productive Sharing 637 - Read More Books
One helpful tip per day:)
Mark Manson points out the differences between reading and other media.
- Reading is actually an interactive process; when we read, we can actively choose what to read and where to read it. Once we stop making these choices, reading stops.
- whereas other media, such as short videos, are different because we are only passively consuming them.
- by choosing to read, we actually choose how we will think in the future, so we should read more.
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Mark Manson 指出阅读与其他媒介的不同之处:
- 阅读其实一种互动的过程,当我们阅读时,我们可以主动选择读什么,读到那。一旦我们停止这些选择,阅读就中断了;
- 而其他媒介,比如短视频就不一样,因为我们只是被动的消费;
- 选择阅读,其实选择了我们未来的思考方式,所以我们应该更多地阅读。
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