Daily Productive Sharing 693 - Lessons About Life, Money, and Success
One helpful tip per day:)
David Elikwu reviewed his work experience at the law firm and summarized some life advice:
- Your satisfaction is defined by yourself, not by external factors;
- When working with others, consider their situation to save both their time and energy and ours;
- To accelerate your promotion, you need to take some risks;
- Lower the cost of failure and iterate quickly;
- We need to constantly make trade-offs, and the key is to make them early, prioritize, and avoid being forced to make them.
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David Elikwu 回顾了自己在律所的工作经历,总结了一些人生建议:
- 你的满意度是由你自己定义的,而不是被外界定义的;
- 与人合作时,多考虑对方的处境,这样既能节省对方的时间精力,也能节省我们的时间精力;
- 如果你想加速自己的升职,就需要承担一定的风险;
- 让失败的代价变低,快速迭代;
- 我们需要一直做出权衡,重点是,我们需要尽早做出权衡,重新安排优先度,避免被迫做出权衡。
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