Daily Productive Sharing 732 - Books Help You to Ship

Daily Productive Sharing 732 - Books Help You to Ship
Photo by Sticker Mule / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

CJ Chilvers recommended a series of books that helped him publish his work:

  1. These books may not all fall under the same category, but they share a similar theme - publishing your work.
  2. Publishing is more important than pursuing perfection, even if it's a seemingly insignificant piece in your eyes.

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CJ Chilvers 推荐了一系列书籍 - 帮助他发布自己的作品:

  1. 这些书籍并不都在一个分类下,但是都有类似的主题 - 发布你的作品;
  2. 发布比追求完美更重要,哪怕是在你看来微不足道的作品。

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